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What we do for our clients

Examples of Our Work

Attorney Tassel is proud of his successful record.   Every client deserves the best possible outcome after a thorough investigation and analysis.  See examples of what Attorney Tassel has done for other clients below. 


A nurse was accused of neglect of an elderly aunt and charged in Superior Court.  After years of reviewing thousands of pages of medical records, Attorney Tassel found evidence that all of the conditions the woman suffered from were present when she was taken into his client's care.  After a trial, she was found not guilty and obtained her nursing license back.


A young man was accused of hosting a party where alcohol was served and the gathering went out of control.  Attorney Tassel was able to show through records that the client was not in Massachusetts at the time despite police believing they interviewed him at the scene.  No charges were issued against him.


A client was accused of trying to murder his own daughter after discovering her forbidden relationship with a young man.  He was held in jail as a danger awaiting trial.  At trial, Attorney Tassel revealed that her version of events was scientifically impossible and showed uncovered emails that proved the girl had lied to investigators.  He was found not guilty of all offenses.


A man was travelling through Massachusetts in a motorcycle and was involved in an accident.  He had in his possession a loaded firearm, which he was licensed to carry in his home state as well as other jurisdictions.  He faced a mandatory sentence of 18 months in the house of correction and another year "on and after".  Through his extensive knowledge of state and federal firearms laws, Attorney Tassel was able to point out the many legal examples of permissible exceptions to the Massachusetts law of unlawful possession of a firearm by non-residents.  The charges were dismissed prior to arraignment.


A U.S. Citizen accused of murder in the British Virgin Islands after a scuba diving accident was defended by Attorney Tassel and co-counsel, Attorney Timothy Bradl.  Their investigation and strategy ultimately resulted in the dismissal of charges after trial.  See about the fascinating case here:


A man was accused of fighting the police officers that responded to his argument with his girlfriend.  At trial Attorney Tassel presented evidence that the accusations were fabricated to cover up excessive use of force on the man that resulted in extensive injury to his face and body.  He was found not guilty of all charges. 


A client was accused of trafficking heroin in Federal Court.  After a detailed investigation into the evidence (which included a confession), Attorney Tassel showed that the evidence presented by the Government was not as convincing as the prosecution suggested and argued that the informants were using the client as a "fall guy" to protect their organization.  His client was found not guilty.


A man was held in jail following allegations that he shot a man outside a night club.  At trial, Attorney Tassel attacked the lack of scientific evidence connecting him to the crime, and the failure of the police to preserve important evidence at the scene such as video surveillance and DNA.  He was found not guilty of all



A man was accused of striking a roommate in the head with a cast-iron frying pan.  At the time the client was suffering from serious mental health problems.  Attorney Tassel was able to win at trial on the grounds that the man lacked criminal responsibility for his actions.  The Commonwealth's motion to civilly commit the client was denied due to the successful treatment he was receiving.


A client was charged with trafficking a kilogram of cocaine after a search warrant was executed at his home. Attorney Tassel argued a motion to suppress that caused the entire case to be dismissed by the Court.


A client who had a license to carry firearms for 40 years suddenly had his license revoked due to a "conviction" which was uncovered when he renewed his license.  After locating old court records, Attorney Tassel convinced the Court that the records showed the Judge in 1969 intended to dismiss the old case.


A man who had a conviction for unlawful possession of ammunition and marijuana since the 1980s hired Attorney Tassel to try to vacate his conviction.  By obtaining old records and an expert witness that showed in fact the "ammunition" was actually BBs that were not legally defined ammunition the case was vacated and the client was able to finally obtain a license to carry firearms.


A graduate student was accused of assault and battery on an ex-girlfriend.  At trial, Attorney Tassel showed certain inconsistencies in the woman's testimony and located an Uber driver who was a witness to the incident who refuted aspects of her version.  He was acquitted.


A serious assault was recorded on a hotel video and a man turned himself in to the police after the news reported he was a suspect.  At trial, he was found not guilty of all charges due to issues Attorney Tassel demonstrated with the identification of his client.


A man applied for a license to carry firearms and was denied because he failed to state on the application that he had been arrested.  On appeal of the denial, Attorney Tassel showed that not only was it unclear whether the man had actually been "arrested", the failure to provide that information on the application did not show that he presented a risk to public safety.  The license was ordered issued by the Court.


Statements on this website of prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.  The website of the Law Office of Neil S. Tassel is advertising, not a solicitation.



617-973-1562 FAX

607 North Avenue, Suite 18 2nd Floor, Wakefield, MA 01880

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